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NEMO Advisory Board Meeting

NEMO Advisory Board Meeting

The NEMO advisory board ("Cluster-Beirat") will hold its first meeting on Wednesday 14.12.2016. For the initial meeting, the board members are composed of the shareholders and those members of the communities who were deeply involved in the NEMO grant application and the procurement phase. In the future, the board members should be selected by the communities.

The first point on the agenda will be to gather feedback from the three scientific communities. Therefore, if you can find the time, please contact your representative on the advisory board. Any feedback is welcome.

The NEMO cluster board is composed of the following members (starred members are shareholders):

  • Neurosience: Stefan Rotter (*), Carsten Mehring (*), Ad Aertsen
  • Elementary Particle Physics: Stefan Dittmaier (*), Markus Schumacher, Günter Quast
  • Microsystems Engineering: Andreas Greiner, David Kauzlaric
  • Shareholder: Carsten Dormann (*)
  • Rechenzentrum: Gerhard Schneider, Dirk von Suchodoletz, Bernd Wiebelt, Michael Janczcyk