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NEMO status and statistics

NEMO is now quite often under full load and jobs are getting queued. While it may be inconvenient for users that their jobs do not get executed immediately, this is the desired target state for a high performance computing system.

NEMO status and statistics - Read More…

End of support for Matlab Distributed Compute Server

The state wide licence for Matlab is expiring next year (31.03.2018). There are negotiations for a renewal taking place, but the outcome is not certain. As an immediate consequence of the current situation, usage of the Matlab Distributed Compute Server (MDCS) is deprecated and only limited support is provided for legacy installations.

End of support for Matlab Distributed Compute Server - Read More…

Call for participation on bwHPC user survey

The bwHPC initiative and the bwHPC-C5 team would kindly ask 15 minutes of your time to provide feedback with respect to bwHPC resources (e.g. bwUniCluster, bwForCluster, NEMO, MLS&WISO, JUSTUS, BinAC).

Call for participation on bwHPC user survey - Read More…

NEMO usage visualization

A visual presentation of the current NEMO usage is now available online along with supplemental statistics.

NEMO usage visualization - Read More…